Monday, March 22, 2021


So: every Winter I grow a beard. Or it might be more accurate to say, every Summer I shave, because a beard is too itchy when it's hot. So really, bearded is my natural state. Only I usually trim it a little, because I start feeling foolish standing in front of a class like that. Well, no classes to stand in front of, thanks to the pandemic, so I let it (and my head hair) run as wild as they ever have. The result: The combination of beard and Captain Haddock sweater of course led my mind to the following (hat from Amazon, pipe borrowed from definite non-smoker Thomas): Talking of teaching, I occasionally hold Zoom sessions for my Logic classes, and it was fun watching the students' reactions the first time they saw what Sophy calls my "Wild Man of the Woods" look, given that they've been watching videos of me that were recorded a couple of summers ago, when I was fully shorn. (The 101 Students have been exposed to the full beard in motion.) But it's been shorts weather the past couple of days, and I kept taking mouthfuls of beard along with my sandwiches, so it was time for it to go: The Sam ElliotThe Stan LaurelThe David LynchThe ol' faithful Bring on Summer!

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