Wednesday, January 27, 2021

What we're up to

 "Where are the film reviews!?" say our legion of loyal readers.  Well, we're not watching films.  Both mine and Jami's terms have started, and more importantly, Jami's classes at Wayne State have started, so either she's frantically reading giant law tomes in the evening or we're watching something short that her tired brain can digest.  So we've been watching TV shows like Kingdom on Netflix (a sort of Game of Thrones set in old Korea (dunno exactly when, but they have muskets) only a lot less rapey, which is a relief).  Also, no dragons, and the "zombies" are more like the infected of 28 Days Later, with the feature that (at least, so it first appears) they can't stand the daylight) - highly recommended, but very intense. GREAT hats. 

Or Wellington Paranormal, by the same team behind What we do in the shadows (which we binge-watched a month or so ago), only so unavailable in the US that I had to order the DVD from New Zealand.  

Or a slew of true-crime documentaries.  We started with one on the Night Stalker (Richard Ramirez 

- he was active in LA in the late 80s, and still in the news when we arrived), and after we watched that one, Netflix just. keeps. pushing them at us.  The Ramirez one was kind of cheaply done, and is sort of a traditional tale of capturing a monster before he kills too many people.  The next one was about the Yorkshire Ripper, but ended up being a savage indictment of the police.  Even more that way was one (The Confession Killer) about Henry Lee Lucas who was supposedly the worst serial killer in US history, confessing to anything up to 600 murders, until the documentary takes an amazing turn.  

I recommend that one perhaps most.  Of course, we end up watching hourlong episodes back-to-back because they're so gripping, and we could've watched a film.  Or so I keep saying to Jami.  But does she listen?  Anyway, she frontloaded all her class presentations, so maybe we'll get back to the Criterion Channel in a couple of weeks.  See if you can hold out that long.

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