Friday, July 17, 2020

Our swimming routine

First, we walk (through scenic state parks, ideally) and arrive at a launching spot.  I carry a partially inflated inner tube along with me that I can add the last few puffs to at the shore.
The key part of equipment is this super nifty totally waterproof backpack.  It's more-or-less empty on the way, but when we get to the lake...
...we take off our shoes...
...and our shirts...
Here's the top that rolls up to seal it watertight... so.
Then we launch!
Then we swim for around an hour-ish, until we arrive at a place to get out:

What is with the stone-stacking that everyone seems to be hooked on?
Let the air out...
...pack it in the backpack
...add the towel
And we're ready for the trip back to the car!

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