Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Frederick's quarantine art

Frederick and I have done our best to stay creative during these long and uneventful days.  A few weeks ago we started working on this mosaic, which Frederick designed.  I cut the glass, grouted it and hung it in his room.  The rest was all Frederick.
Then we worked on clay.  That is even slower than mosaicking since it takes 12-18 hours to fire and cool the kiln.
Finished and on display.

For a bit of fast art, we switched to painting.  We have a lot of painting supplies: brushes, paints, canvases...not a lot of wall space, though.  This was our first.  We have both learned a lot about using acrylic paint this week.  Hint #1: do the background first, not last.  Hint #2: paint light on dark for a glowing sky or water.
Finally out of the kiln.
Second painting.  Notice more colors being used and lots of layering.
Our first Dinosaur Portrait.  Also first use of blending colors.
Frederick does love a good eyebrow.
First appearance of teeth and nostrils.
Even more blending going on here.
Now trying adding white, gray and black to increase color hue (as opposed to mixing two colors to create a new color).
Ta Da!
We are out of canvases so, while we wait for Slow Poke Amazon to ship, we are going back to mosaics tomorrow.   I have a LOT of glass and grout we can use...

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