Sunday, October 6, 2019

Jami's car week

This Monday, driving down to Detroit, Jami had to screech to a halt behind a car that had stalled in the middle of two lanes, just where the freeway had narrowed to two lanes because of construction.  "Phew", she thought, then turned her attention to her rear view mirror.  "Phew again" - the car behind had slammed on its brakes in time.  But, alas, the GIANT TRUCK AND TRAILER behind that car ploughed on and smushed all before it to either side.  Thus endeth Jami's beloved little red 2010 Toyota Yaris, the only car she'd ever owned from brand new.
There followed all kinds of bother that she would relate if she were not too busy, which involved her driving a white Hyundai SUV rental most of the week, while waiting for the insurance adjuster to confirm that it's a write-off.  Then, on Friday she gave up waiting, went back to the tow yard to get her last remaining things, and we dropped off the rental at Enterprise.  Then on Saturday, we went to the same Toyota dealership the Yaris (and my 2008 Prius) came from and Jami bought this beauty, a 2010 Prius (from a salesman who recognized me from a class he took in 2010):
Suddenly my Saab doesn't look so fancy any more.

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