Monday, September 16, 2019

Green Point

Green Point Environmental Learning Center is on the Northern edge of the Shiawassee Reserve - the opposite side from the place we normally go, and actually falls within the boundaries of the city of Saginaw.  In search of variety, I drove us there for a walk today.  First, some shots of Saginaw, which, like Detroit and Flint is full of memories of better times but oddly empty of people:

Now the hike and the center, which you get to by driving through a neighborhood and down a road marked "dead end".  The gate was locked when we got there but a car came behind us and opened it (even though it was well within opening hours).  We were the only people there otherwise:

They were nice enough trails, but nothing spectacular.  It's Saginaw's For-Mar, only not quite as nice.

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