Saturday, August 17, 2019

21 Years Ago Today...

Jami:  What did being a member of the BAA ever get Thomas, anyway?  Here he is, little and hairy (he had black downy fluff on his lower back):
Yeah, I look excited to be having my picture taken after laboring "unproductively" for 26 hours.  After 25.5 hours, the doctor admitted she was flummoxed.  "He should be shooting across the room," she said.  Well, she hadn't met Thomas; if he doesn't want to budge, he doesn't.
Simon: Now he's all big and hairy:
Jami:  Given what a porker he was as a baby (our doctor scolded me for overfeeding him, warning me that Thomas's rapid weight gain (he was easily 15 pounds by two weeks old, and well over 20 by one month old) was very, very bad for him.  Don't blame me!  He needed to eat night and day, day and night, every two hours.  Too busy eating, he didn't sleep through the night until he was 4.  (He still doesn't, but he does sleep through the days now very well.)
Simon:  The cake, alas, was not laced with rum, despite his now being legal EVEN IN AMERICA.  (But it was gluten-and-grain-and-sugar-and-dairy free, unbeknownst to the Birthday Boy, and DELICIOUS.)
Jami: The secret ingredient is 4 brand new duck eggs.  The other secret ingredient is a shit ton of coconut milk--full fat.

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