Friday, June 28, 2019


 After a layover in Philadelphia, here I am arriving in Dublin for a conference.
 See - Ireland!  My taxi driver, who took me from the airport to the hotel was called O'Connor.  He was a very friendly fella, telling me all about his trips to Florida with the grandkids.  He also told me approvingly of Dublin's Gay Pride parade this weekend, which he said was bigger and better every year.  It's not your Catholic Uncle's Ireland any more!
 Here's my fancy hotel room.
 Here's the view (not quite so fancy).
 More of the room.

One of the sessions.
 More of the downstairs part of the hotel.
 And more.
 And more.
 Oh look - another session.  Mine was the best.  Blew them away, I did.
 The stadium that's just across the street from the hotel.  Football, Rugby, Hurling - all the good stuff.
 We went out for dinner - here's the canal.
 Here's our fearless pipe-smoking Italian organizer.
We didn't get very far into Dublin, so here's a regular Dublin side street.  There are deadly heatwaves all over Europe, and Ireland is having its own - it's at LEAST in the high 70s Fahrenheit.

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