Thursday, April 25, 2019

Me trying to look spiffy

Every year or so one or more of our students (that is, Philosophy Majors) graduates with honors (whatever that means) and we are asked to send someone to introduce them at an "honors reception" where they get their special honors sashes, poor things.  I say "poor things" because we have a very bad history with this sort of thing: on at least two occasions we've forgotten to show up, and the last time I did it I thought I could wing it (because the student was one of my favorites and I had a lot to say) but I got flustered and it was awful.  Well, I prepared SLIGHTLY better this time (although it was awkward, because of the disparity between the two students, and you couldn't over-praise one without it being obvious to the other one) and I actually wore a jacket and tie for the first time in forever.  This picture was taken by A Professional, and the real version has the students on either side of me, but I've cut them out for their own sakes.

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