Sunday, February 10, 2019

New stove in the basement

I had the idea last year, but procrastinated and then summer arrived and it didn't seem important. Then another polar vortex arrived and I was reminded of the desirability of a stove in the basement.
I had expected something smaller, more like a small microwave rather than a giant 1990's style television, but it was on clearance and the price of the gas stove and installation (which took about 6 hours) was less than half of the price of a newer, smaller model.  So, given that it's in the basement, we went with price, not appearance.
Simon took these pictures.  Not sure what the point of this one is.
And here it is, all ready to go.  

I justified getting this because it was simply unbearable in our basement.  I couldn't even stand to go down there to do laundry because it was just too cold.  (So cold that the pipes in the basement walls froze last week so that our downstairs shower didn't work.)  Now, it's just too damn hot.  You can work bare feet and still feel woozy from being overheated.  We need to figure out a way to crank the heat, shut it off, and then crank it up again, then shut it off, over and over again so that we somehow manage a comfortable level.

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