Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Arrr, 'tis Hallowe'en, maties!

This year the plan was that Emily, Ave and Frederick would all be pirates. I designed Frederick's costume to resemble Hugh Grant's role as The Pirate Captain in the movie, The Pirates!: Band of Misfits, complete with Polly the Dodo. Here is his costume, ready to go to school:
Apparently, though, Ava bailed on the Pirate plan Halloween morning and decided to be a cat, instead.  Pirates ships have cats, I am sure.
Emily is Captain Hook.
Note Frederick's face paint beard.  I made Frederick a thick and luxuriant beard but he wanted face paint instead.  Not nearly as luxuriant but much easier to wear, I am sure.
Here is Pirate Brown Beard wrestling an evil crocodile.
Frederick really, really loved having a beard.

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