Thursday, May 17, 2018

Death of a Prius (AKA a really stupid day)

So, today was supposed to be the day I had surgery on my right eye to remove "floaters".  This day has been long coming, and was in fact settled on as the first surgery slot after Thomas would be home from college, so he could drive me back, because the surgery place is in Jackson, MI (about 80 minutes drive away) and, unsurprisingly, you're not supposed to drive afterwards.  So, I got the instructions earlier in the week: no food or drink of any kind after 6 AM (so I had a yogurt at 4:30 this morning, when I woke up, as I always seem to these days) and get there at noon.  So we got Thomas in the car and were on the road by about 10:20.  My GPS ("SatNav") told me we would get there about 11:35.  At about 11:25, having just passed a sign for a place called Waterloo, I was peppering Thomas with questions about Napoleon (his idol, or one of them) when... a deer ran in front of the car.  Thomas saw it first and said something like "Ooooh don't hit that deer!" and then WHAM.  The deer died instantly and the front of the car crumpled up, but no airbags came out and we weren't hurt, so I thought at first we might be able to keep driving, but then I realized that pushing down on the accelerator wasn't doing anything and the car was just gently slowing down.  Fortunately there was an offramp right there and we coasted up it and made all the relevant calls (cancelling the appointment, telling Jami, calling for a tow-truck, calling the insurance, talking to Joanne, because she was the only one free to come and pick us up).  The rest of the story can be told in pictures:
Here's Steve (son of Ralph, founder of Ralph's Towing) stowing his handgun behind his seat (no really) before coming out to hitch up the car to be towed.
Here's the restaurant Thomas and I ate at while waiting for Grandma (literally 100 yards from where the car died) (Thomas had a veggie burger with all the fixin's, I had a Greek Salad, which was NOT ENOUGH given that I hadn't eaten since 4:30 AM)
Here's Grandma after she turned round after turning left instead of right on Clear Lake Road:
And here's Ralph's Towing Yard, of 1101 Burtch Road, Grass Lake, MI, probably the final repose of my beloved car.  We'll find out when the adjuster comes to look at it tomorrow:

1 comment:

Sturge said...

The dude from Ralph's is classic