Saturday, October 14, 2017

Back in Chicago to check up on our larger child

As we set out to move Thomas into his dorm about 7 weeks ago, I asked Thomas, "Are you SURE you don't want your bassoon? What about a bike--it would be nice to bike around while the weather is still nice." To both suggestions he snorted his derision. Then last week he asked me to bring, among other things, his bassoon and a bike. ARGH. But, whatever Thomas wants, Thomas gets, so I loaded up the car. Actually, I like the drive out (so long as it isn't night time or sleeting), and since UM-Flint has Fall break next week (a stupid* invention that was devised a few years ago--a few days off to mirror the longer spring break of next semester) I can afford to spend most of the weekend driving out and bringing Thomas his bassoon-and a LOT of food. (Another thing he asked for.) It rained the whole drive:

Yes, from driveway of our house to the parking lot across from my hotel, it rained:

This was the most exciting part, when I had to slow down and pay a $5 toll fee. The rest of the time, the roads were really empty.

Here it the view from my hotel room--NOT the same room I stayed in last time but about as identical as a different room can be: same floor plan, same floor, same view, same price. I never see anyone else in the hallways in this hotel, I can't believe they can stay in business.

Right now Thomas is "working" (I don't know what that means--he won't tell me) and so I am idling in my hotel room. I was told late last night that he would fit me in his busy schedule around 6:30 this evening. I wait with bated breath.
* I say stupid because it is only two days, so not long enough to really be a break that will energize and refresh, but long enough to break up the rhythm of the semester and cause students to forget everything that we were talking about before the break. Plus, between this and the break for Thanksgiving, it seems like this semester drags on FOREVER. I'd rather NO breaks and just be done with it two weeks earlier in December.

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