Sunday, July 30, 2017

Another backyard resident

We have noticed this water balloon of meat with four hands and a face sneaking food out of the duck dish for quite a few weeks. Then yesterday I saw her go to the source: the two buckets of duck and chicken food on our porch. By the time I got out there, she had the lid off, was inside and all I could see was her ample backside hanging out over the top. Her name is Sassypants.I was doing my daily work in the back corner (clearing out finished compost, bagging up sticks and old bark and feeding the chickens unfinished compost when I noticed that the level had gone down about 6 inches on one side of the compost box. I didn't remember getting that much done, but perhaps the rains had...Ah, I see what has happened: Sassypants (along with her two babies) has moved into a small home under the compost box. And done a nice job shifting a lot of rock hard soil, by the look of it. I'm not sure how to proceed at this point. I wanted to clear out this whole back corner before the Fall semester starts, but I don't want to displace a family. Tough decisions.

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