Monday, April 24, 2017

The Rolls Royce of Toasters

So: we get through a lot of toasters.  We in our household are toast-lovers.  Toastarians, even.  And it wears on our toasters.  As the most recent one died, I thought about my new middle-aged resolution to buy GOOD THINGS rather than cheap things that get replaced often.  With a bit of research I discovered that the best, heaviest-duty, most indestructible toasters are Dualit.  Actually, they're more like the Morgan of toasters because they are HAND MADE in England.  I also discovered that they are sphincter-tighteningly expensive.  But fear not!  You can get them used on Amazon!  So I did:

Ain't it a beauty?  The best thing about it is that all the parts are replaceable.  Second best is that the part that always breaks - the pop-up part - is absent.  The lower dial in the picture is like an egg-timer - you turn it as far as you want for browning and it slowly unwinds.  The knob half-way along the bottom is how you lift out the toast when you want it (it stays inside keeping warm until you do).  The upper dial is how many slices you want, so it only heats up one side for one slice.  Nifty, huh?

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