Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Botanical Experiment

As Simon mentioned, the landscape is a barren (albeit warm) wasteland. So it's tempting to head to the nearest plant nursery and buy up everything in sight. I didn't slip that far, but I did see this oddity at Meijer the other day and bought it:

It claims to be a pussy willow grafted onto a willow tree. (If you look closely, you can see the graft site near the top of the stem.) So, imagine a pussy willow bush the size of a full grown willow tree! (A small note attached to it suggested that it be planted outside. Will do!) When I got it, the pussy willow blossoms looked true to their name, like small kitten feet peeping out of the branches. Since the warm spell hit, they have fully blossomed and are pollinating our house.

The plan is to put this in the ground near the pond. I am hoping it will be ONE plant the ducks do not eat. (Note about the top photo: the sweater in progress is a yoke sweater I started during Christmas break, intending to get it done before the weather turned warm in early May, which is the usual seasonal schedule. Since night time temps are in the 50s, knitting a bulky yoke sweater has lost its appeal. I suspect this will reappear next Christmas break.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Engaging plant but can't find the sweater.
