Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ah, Flint...

A few days ago we received this letter in the mail. In short, it tells us that our drinking water is deadly to infants, geriatrics and anyone with a compromised immune system. Others, such as those in this house, can drink the water with no long term deadly effects--so long as we do not drink too much for too long. Not to worry, the Flint Public Water Works promised to "look into" fixing the problem "sometime in 2015." If that weren't annoying enough (one really can't get VERY angry with political decisions made in Flint once aware of the almost 200 year long history of egregiously unjust and idiotic decisions that defined this town), but our water bill recently doubled, and then doubled again and is now more than 5 times what it was when we moved here 15 years ago. Drink up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Flint shops sold out of bottled water?