Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dreaming of a wet Christmas

Unlike last year's Christmas, today we have electricity and the temps outside are in the upper 40s and, instead of being treated to 2' of ice and snowfall, we only got a slight drizzle of rain mid-day. Simon got an itching for mince pies and here is his first attempt ever: half gf and half for "normal" people. [in the interest of full disclosure: the mince pies were from Monday - I made them to take into the office because we - the department - were meeting to make a shortlist of people to fly out for interviews and I thought we needed fortifying.  To my amazement, they all got eaten.]  Take a look now as it won't last, not only because all the presents will soon be harvested but because the tree is already seriously painful to touch and will find itself curbside very soon.Sylvester's point of view:Frederick climbed onto Grandma's lap and we heard the creak of bones bending under the weight. Sylvester is happy every day.This is the best part of winter--and now we have so many good, new, books to read!As Sylvester snuggled onto our bed covers this morning Simon said, "Sylvester sure loves people!" Immediately after Sylvester jumped up and threw himself onto Simon's calf and worried it with his pin-sharp teeth. Yes, he does LOVE people. Thomas dragged himself out of bed at 1 this afternoon to join us for present opening. An hour later, still bleary-eyed from lack of sleep his managed to stay upright long enough to eat Christmas dinner. I'm completely exhausted and ready for bed, from the shrieks of laughter and loud raucous music I hear coming from his room, Thomas is just gearing up for a long night. We should have just given the cats big stacks of empty boxes.Simon wanted everyone to see both his snazzy sweater vest and his fancy hat.Frederick worked all week on a Christmas surprise present for Simon and me. Here it is:We opened the box to find a snuggle blanket made up of two layers of fleece that he not only picked out, but cut to size and hand-tied all the edges himself.  He squealed with excitement when Simon showed it to everyone. It's now on our couch where both humans and cats can take full advantage of it.Simon is pleased that he received something that no one else cares about  [Jami doesn't realize that I'm holding Grandma's present to all of us, and she's actually being tactless].

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks gorgeous and merry!
