Monday, September 22, 2014

Now I can give up the day job

As many of you may know, Jami and I edited a book (to which we both contributed essays).  It's been over a year now, and in our contract it says we get royalties every year.  Jami actually got hers a while back, but I had to call and ask for mine.  The lady at the royalties desk, who sounded about 100, said that mine would be shipped September 22nd (it was about August 22nd when I called).  When I asked why mine should have to wait that long, when Jami had already got hers, she said "I guess it's the luck of the draw," as if this was some mysterious random process, completely out of her power to influence.  Okay... Anyway, she (or the Royalty Gods) must have relented, because this arrived last week, and I just had to photograph it, I was so proud.  I don't care if it's immodest or whatever, I just want to immortalize my first ever payment for publishing something!  I knew getting that poem published in the Milverton Weekly News in 1978 was the start of something big.
I immediately blew most of it on a new red pair of design-it-yourself Converse Chuck Taylors.
The right call, I think we can all agree.