Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's never going to stop...

Every three or four days we get a peep at spring: the nighttime temp hovers around freezing and the daytime temp rises up to the mid 40's or so. But the days in between slip back into weather we had in the bleakest January: daytime temps of around 10F and nighttime temps of -10F--which is what we are going through today. And tomorrow is expected to be the same. Rumor has it that Wednesday will be warm (though with rain) but then immediately after we are expected to be back where we are now, below freezing in the day and worse at night. Even Frederick has reached his limits. He still goes for walks most days (though not every day--there are days when he refuses to get dressed or leave the house). But some of the walks have become fairly perfunctory.

Long nights, gray days.

Even the snow is sub-par: it's crusty and dirty, can't make snow angels, snow men or have a snowball fight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That must be really depressing. I do hope it breaks soon.
