Saturday, January 5, 2013


Since Simon and Jami are so lazy, they decided to leave this blog post captions to be written by me, Thomas!  I'll  be narrating our journey to pick up some new shelves.  Anyway, here's some pictures of us entering the labyrinthine Swedish superstore known as Ikea.  Check out that handsome devil in the front with the long hair.
After slowly descending into the depths of the stronghold to escape the overpowering scent of Swedish Meatballs wafting from the cafe, we courageously adventure the stacks of underpriced goods in hopes of discovering what we are searching for.  Our adventure is depicted below.
Many hours later, we finally escape the store with our desired loot.  Here's the spoils shown below; some chocolate and treats for Simon.
As well as some weird finger puppets demanded by my obnoxious little brother.  Oh, and a bathmat and some shelves.
Anyway, that's all for today.  Stay tuned for later great installments in the saga of the Family Flint!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Visits to Ikea are a torturous adventure - only to be attempted by the intrepid. Looks as if you survived triumphant.
