Saturday, October 6, 2012

Camera dump

The tiny netbook that I used to do my blogging on (because it had a handy little slot that took camera memory cards) died recently so I haven't been posting pictures. I've got a moment now so I'm going to upload a random selection of what's on there. First, a recent shot of the armillary sphere outside Mott Community College near our house. Nice autumn colours (a theme, as you'll see).
This lake is on the way to Thomas's school. Frederick and I visited (on the way to pick up Thomas when Jami was in England, I think) on the first brisk day when all the people had vanished.
Jami had her car in for repairs recently and got a super-new Prius as the loaner car. It even had a little TV on the dashboard that showed you what was directly behind you. Good thing she didn't have it long or she might've got ideas above our station.
They recently had "spirit week" at Thomas's school, where every day was a "dress like ___" day. This is Thomas on the "dress like a grandparent" day. The shirt actually was Grandpa's. I rescued it from the attic at Taddyforde in the early 'oughts. A Van Heusen, you know.
I branched out recently and tried a FOURTH library within driving distance of Thomas's school, that of Commerce Township. It was big but not nearly as nice as the others. But it did seem to attract a nerdier clientele:
And now some more shots of Flint in the fall. Almost makes you think it might be a nice place to live.
This shot was taken in Carriage Town where you can probably buy a 90-year old house for under ten grand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It does all look autumnally lovely.
