Saturday, September 22, 2012


Well, we've settled into a sort of routine. Jami is teaching two classes online and one seminar that meets on Monday. Thomas is in school in White Lake (about 45 minutes drive from home) six days a week (well, five and a half - see previous post) and usually whichever parent drives him there stays there, swimming in their pool and pretending to work in their libraries (there are three, all amazingly good, in a five mile radius). Frederick is going to Valley with his new "aide," JacQuelyn. Meanwhile, very much out of the routine, his previous aide, well, basically third parent, Emily, just became a mother this week to Ava Lynn!
We were hoping to visit Ava and parents today but this week a sickness has been ravaging the household and Frederick is the last and most serious victim and (shocking indeed) is even off his food! See below:
The leaves are starting to turn and there's a definite nip in the air. Air conditioners are being removed from bedroom windows and the pool is sitting unused, collecting leaves, soon to be drained. Further news as events warrant.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Emily and I hope all are well now.
