Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thomas heads for Paris





Unknown said...

Exciting! What's he going to do there?


Jami Anderson said...

What is he NOT going to do there, that is the question! He and his troupe are landing in Paris (should have already) and heading to Limonest where he will meet one of his host families. Tomorrow will be filled with rehearsals and a concert. Monday will have two children's concerts in the morning and then a bullet train to Paris where he will meet his second host family. Tuesday morning, another children's concert (what's with the children's concerts?), then ATTEND a concert Tuesday night. Wednesday, sightseeing in Paris all day, that night, perform a joint concert with the kids he is meeting at the Courbevoie Conservatory. Thursday, more sightseeing in Paris. Thursday night--another joint concert with those kids at the conservatory. (These joint concerts will have the two groups play music that each have been practicing this past year separately but now they will join together in perfect harmony--or so that is how it will supposed to be. Beethoven's 5th and Tchaikovsky's 4th are among the highlights.) Friday, a bullet train back to Limonest, to meet up with the kids at THAT conservatory again for ANOTHER rehearsal to prepare for ANOTHER concert, followed by a "rock concert dance" that will go on late into the night. (That is the one event Thomas was dreading.) Saturday, spend time with that first host family, then rehearsals, then a Saturday concert. Sunday, some last free time with host family, then get on the bus and head to the airport...We pick him up Sunday about 8 p.m. Flint-time. I suspect he will be SLIGHTLY tired.

Unknown said...

Good Lord! They are not wasting anytime! Hope they have a long holiday afterwards...


Jami Anderson said...

Pshah! Rehearsals for the wizz-bang Showcase Concert, the biggest finale of them, start immediately upon their return. They'll have only 3 more Tuesday evening rehearsals together (but he still has all his Monday evening rehearsals to attend with his Wind ensemble group for bassoon) before the day to end all days: Showcase, which is Sunday, April 29th, at The Whiting (the giant concert hall in Flint). He'll be dropped off at 10 in the morning to start setting up percussion equipment, then start rehearsing at 11, and then the performance will start at 3 and last until early evening. THAT's when the madness ends...until auditions to get into the next's years groups starts the following week (which I'm sure you remember was like LAST year...).

Unknown said...

Oh I do, I do. Your account was so agonisingly vivid. It all sounds EXHAUSTING. But then I guess it's better that having a sulky adolescent who won't leave his room. Though that could be less harrowing.
