Friday, September 23, 2011

Recent goings-on

Since the term has started, as you may have noticed, we haven't been blogging as much. Here are a couple of things that I took photos of anyway.

It was very misty the other day...

Some time last week, we lit our first fire of the autumn. I hadn't even cleaned out the ash from the last fire of the spring...

I engaged in a transatlantic bartering with somebody called Shirley. She sent me tea (now that's what I call a good-sized package of tea), I forwarded some special shoe-inserts that you can't get in England. Works for me!


Unknown said...

Good news!


The Cushanderingsons said...

Actually, not so good for Shirley - it turned out that she was expecting SIX pairs of inserts, but they only sent me one. And no documentation...

Unknown said...

Now you'll have to try again. It would be worth it for the tea.
