Friday, September 23, 2011

Duck house door!

What can THIS be?

Finally, the Duck house has a classy door! Thanks to Grandpa, Thomas's vision has at last been realized!

The ducks, as is their wont, look on in suspicion...

Recent goings-on

Since the term has started, as you may have noticed, we haven't been blogging as much. Here are a couple of things that I took photos of anyway.

It was very misty the other day...

Some time last week, we lit our first fire of the autumn. I hadn't even cleaned out the ash from the last fire of the spring...

I engaged in a transatlantic bartering with somebody called Shirley. She sent me tea (now that's what I call a good-sized package of tea), I forwarded some special shoe-inserts that you can't get in England. Works for me!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day at new school (location)

The temperatures are dropping:

The new shoes are bought:

It's time to go back to school!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Egg #2 and the taste test

Zachary left another little gift in the duck house today, so I was determined to give them a try:

The finished breakfast:

Verdict? They eggs.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Potential Goldmine!

The sun is setting so it's time to clean out the duck house and get them ready for bed and what do I see in their house--an egg! It's the first ever!
I threw it onto the compost pile but Thomas and Simon were horrified--Thomas because he wanted me to fly off to the nearest Duck Specialist Shoppe and invest in a hatchery so that we could raise every egg into a full grown duck (I explained that Zachary will likely lay an egg every day and that only made Thomas MORE insistent that we get the hatchery) and Simon because he wanted to eat the egg immediately. The fact that the egg was covered with piss and shit only seemed to whet his appetite.
The proud parents gave no signs of caring one way or the other when we took the egg. The females of these types of ducks are notoriously bad mothers as they don't make nests and abandon the eggs where they drop. (I've read that they are the inspiration of an absent-minded duck character in the Beatrice Potter tales but, since I have never read any Beatrice Potter, I can't draw any conclusions about whether or not the character does the ducks an injustice or not.)