Thursday, April 7, 2011

No longer ducklings!

It's bathtime, and Zachary Quack and Pretzel can no longer fit in the kitchen sink. We were briefly able to fit them into the sink in the basement, but that sink is no longer big enough for them, either. It's truly exciting to watch them zoom under water and Frederick squeals with delight (which makes them more than a little nervous and that causes them to let loose streams of grainy "droppings", which causes Thomas to squeal loudly in disgust, which causes more duck nervousness, and so the cycle continues...)

We're very anxious to get these guys (or gals, and the jury is still out on that matter) out of the basement, but with small patches of snow STILL lingering on the ground, and their adult feathers just popping in, it will be a while before they can handle the real outdoors.