Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Make Way For Ducklings!

Last year Frederick fell in love with the ducks at Emily's sister's farm so an idea was planted in my mind: get ducklings for him. However, duckling season is always springtime, apparently, so we had to wait until now. And here they are!

They are both just one day old (right out of the egg!) and don't even have names yet. We don't even know if they are boys or girls yet and won't know until the adult feathers grow in. They cheep constantly and were very confused about how to eat and drink, but figured it out after a while. They have to be under a heat lamp for at least three weeks, and then we can start taking them outside (if the weather permits) for brief trips. Tomorrow Thomas and I are going to start giving them short, warm baths to help them learn to swim and dive. Thomas is beside himself with excitement; Frederick is slightly alarmed with shyness.

[They aren't Swedish Blues, as I had hoped to get but Indian Runners which apparently make "charming pets and are known for their particularly silly antics."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely and fluffy.
