Monday, January 3, 2011

Thomas's New Business Venture

Thomas was uncharacteristically quiet for long stretches this weekend, and this was, it emerged, because he had a get-rich-quick scheme. It entailed collecting various puzzles from various sources and hand-writing them on to little scraps of paper, folded over, with "10 cent puzzles!" written on the outside. When we pointed out that it took about 30 minutes to produce each and that, even on the assumption these became a hot item, he would be earning well below minimum wage, he went back and altered all the 1s to 5s. Here are all the resulting 50 cent puzzles. (I scanned them so we would have a record, but he chickened out of taking them to school [today being the first day thereof], we might get to keep the originals.) If you wish to test your puzzling skills, click on the images a few times and they should enlarge to full size: