Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Happened?

Every morning Frederick wakes up around 6:30 or 7, gets out of bed and stands in the hallway, waiting for me to take him to the bathroom. Once in there he does his toilet business and we head back to his room where he reads books, listens to a cd of his favorite music and he waits for everyone else to get up and start the day. The other day I heard his door open and noticed, as usual, that it was around 6:30 in the morning. I could see him outlined in our doorway but not much else since it is still pitch black at that time of day. When we went into the bathroom I flipped on the light switch. We both looked at him and noticed that he was, unlike when he went to bed the night before, stark naked. Frederick looked at me, completely stunned, and asked, "What happened?"


Unknown said...

The mind boggles!

The Cushanderingsons said...

The underpants and t-shirt in question were on his bedroom floor, so they hadn't disappeared out of existence. Still, the question of when and why they were removed remains unanswered, even for Frederick. He is very restless when he sleeps and has spent many a night usually from around 1 am until 4 am) laughing and singing in his sleep but sleep-undressing is a new one.