Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

We've made it through 12 weeks of the semester, and have only two to go. This weekend we have a 5 day break from school, just enough time to learn to really enjoy not working, but not long enough to fully recover and get prepared for the final stretch before exams. Frederick is glad to be home. Today Emily came over and, after she said, "It's Saturday! You don't have to go to school!" He shouted, "Whoopee!" and ran into the back yard.
Thomas only wakes up to shift from his bed, where he plays his DSi, to his computer, where he is rediscovering Roller Coaster Tycoon. He spent the past 8 weeks earning a computer game, Roller Coaster Triple Pack of Thrills!. I ordered it on Monday after work and since then we have heard a repeating loop of these phrases: "Is it here yet? Will it come today? Has the mail come yet? Where do you think it is right now?" alternating with a repeating loop of these phrases: "It's never coming. It's never going to be here. I'm never going to get to play it." Thank the Nintendo gods that it arrived in the mail today. Thomas squealed with delight and then retreated back to his room. (Which stinks of feet.)
Not to mention the turtle smell. Here are two of them, basking. I've been waiting four months to get a picture of these guys roasting themselves on their rock or floating log. They eat more than their weight in food every day, and constantly beg for more. When they aren't begging, they are dozing under the heat lamp. You can see that the one on the left has his legs completely tucked up into his shell. That is a sign of a truly happy turtle (or so the turtle experts on the web pages say). (Simon announced the other day that he "really doesn't like the turtles." Well, he could have said something before we got the damn things! We're stuck with them now.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thomas's hair is past luxuriant! Isn't adolescence wonderful?
