Saturday, October 31, 2009


I can't believe it--it's Halloween already. Didn't we just do this? Here are Thomas and Frederick about to head out for tricking and treating. Notice Thomas is NOT in costume not because he doesn't have one--he does and wore it to a school party yesterday--but because he felt he was "too old" to go tricking and treating. He did want to walk with us, though, and check out events in the neighborhood. I told him to tell that to the "kids" several inches taller than me that came to our door this evening, but that didn't change Thomas' mind. Frederick, though, is a bat in case you can't tell). Here he is trying to look menacing but can't help smiling.
Here they are with Simon amongst the flood of children hitting our neighborhood. Minivans park in the video store lot next to our house and unload 10 or 20 of them. Every year someone gets caught up in our climbing rose in our front yard. This time it was a giant kid dressed as Michael Myers. (I saw one kid dressed as Urkel this year--I haven't seen that in at least 15 years.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks much more fun that Taddyforde. I'm going to have to eat the chocolate bars myself.....!
