Saturday, July 11, 2009

Frederick Learning to Swim

Last year the goal was to get Frederick comfortable with climbing in and out of a pool by himself. This year, the goal is full-fledged swimming. He and Emily go to her mom's house every day the weather permits to practice jumping in, going under water, arm strokes and kicking. Here he is in our pool just relaxing.
Here he is, showing off how well he is about going underwater. He says to himself, "Hold the nose" just before going under.
Note bubbles he is blowing!
Now he's just being silly, which is his modus operandi. During his music lesson yesterday, he was especially silly. Every time Mike asked him to do something, he would stare at Mike with his eyes bugged and his mouth open wide, pretending to have no idea what to do. I figure in any given 60 minute lesson he weasels out of at least 10 minutes of work.
Having too much fun.


Unknown said...

Looks brilliant. And I bet that pool takes some filling.


Jami Anderson said...

It takes about 20 hours to fill. This year we got out the pool we had last year and, after prepping the ground, getting the filter all organized, and getting it about half full (about 1500 gallons) I noticed there was a slow leak somewhere. I spent about three days trying to find it with no luck SO we took it all down (useful for watering the flower beds) and got a new pool and started the process again. This one hasn't leaked yet but we are finding a LOT of dead creatures in it, including a dead squirrel that, we suspect, was killed in a lightening storm during the night. When I first saw it, I thought Frederick had thrown one of his stuffed animals into the pool before going to bed the night before. Now every morning we check for dead things--it puts a bit of a damper on the "summer fun" mood.

Unknown said...

Corpses can be dispiriting when you fancy a sunny morning dip!