Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is Melvin:

Currently Melvin lives in our upstairs bathroom.  This, I think we can all agree, is not ideal. Here's the story.  Earlier this week, when it was particularly cold (about 5 degrees F--it's warmed up a bit since), Emily was walking from the parking lot of Family Video next door (where she parks her car because she doesn't want to get the paint scratched driving up our driveway) when she saw a small cat (at whom someone had just thrown a bologna and cheese sandwich) huddled against the wall of said establishment.  She came in and reported this to Jami who made the fatal mistake of going out to look and discovered this little guy.  Instead of running away at high speed or (what I would have done) surreptitiously slipping him inside Family Video and then running away at high speed, she brought him inside and, wishing to isolate him from our four fatties, put him in the upstairs bathroom.  She went to get a pet carrier to transport him away to the pound or dogfood factory or some appropriate destination, but, showing a quickness of wit that his tiny pinhead belies, said feline slipped into the crawlspace under the bath, which Jami only realised when she heard sepulchral wails coming from the ceiling in the kitchen.  Long story short - he came out some time the next morning, we taped up the crawlspace, Jami named him Melvin (because he is so very Melvin-y) and we appear to be stuck with him.  Emily had a happy three hours waiting around in PetSmart to get cheap shots for him (which they were out of) and we've posted signs all round the neighbourhood which we're pretty sure nobody will respond to (how would a cat get into a parking lot other than by being dumped?).  Jami's mother has offered to adopt him, but we're torn, as she is the owner of Crazy Dog (star of several YouTube videos made by Thomas and Jimmy) and Melvin is a bit of a wet blanket (or, as Jami puts it, "very sweet and shy").  I'm still rooting for the dogfood factory - any suggestions?

1 comment:

radarfestus said...

Believe me Melvin, or Festus as some call him, is the boss of Crazy Dog or more lovingly referred to as Radar. Radar shoves his ball gently into the cats face wanting to play ball and the cat just looks a him and says "whazit". Festus is not shy; he torments Radar by poking at him from behing the crack in the door or teasing him from under the bed, and/or claiming the warmest sleeping spot in bed with John. At last I have peace. Festus keeps Radar so busy that Radar no longer keeps tossing his toys in my lap and pleading "play with me please". My family is growing!