Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Tale of Two Teeth (not really)

I didn't use the flash to take this as, when I did, Thomas's face became a featureless blur. Now he just looks strange. But if you look very closely and squint slightly you can just make out the gap between two teeth on the lower right side (his left). He was thrilled when the tooth popped out a few days ago. [And here is Thomas's amazing experience in his own words: "I was over at Bryce's and Stacy asked me and Bryce to pick up some muffin bags when I said, "Can I eat one?" and Stacy said, "Sure," so I did and I thought it was good but I felt something hard and I thought, "Did I get a prize?" but it was my tooth so I said, "I lost a tooth!" and Bryce said, "Really?" and I said, "Yea!!""] Even more exciting is the fact that two more of his teeth are about to fall out--but WHEN?!?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stirring times for Thomas. He sounds really cool about it. Excellent technique by the photographer - I can see the gaps.