Sunday, May 4, 2014

Belated Egg Hunt

I was flying home from San Diego on Easter Sunday and so we decided to put off the Easter hunt until later. Last Sunday is was rainy and cold, and so more procrastinating. Today the stars lined up perfectly: everyone home, not too cold, clear blue skies. So, while Simon and Frederick went for a walk to For-Mar, the egg clues were laid out. Here Frederick shows his viewers a clue:
What's this? The Easter Bunny was trying out my trampoline? The cheek!
Apparently the Easter Bunny was messing about with Thomas's drum set--which Frederick isn't allowed to do. That doesn't seem fair.
Yes, an egg letter--a classic.
And now in the car...
Finally we arrive at the end of the trail. Frederick was slightly disappointed when he found his Easter "basket". Presents are ok, but egg clues are a lot more fun.
Not a bad haul. The colored pencils and glitter sharpies have already seen good use. The bird house is waiting to be painted--a good rainy day activity. (Which will be handy, because we are going to get quite a few of those in the next few weeks.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It certainly looks as if the clues were fun.
