Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thomas Wants More DIA Masks Posted

I took random pictures of various masks while I wandered around the African art section of the DIA while Thomas was looking and selecting which masks he wanted to stand in front of. The ones which were not behind glass cases photograph a lot better and are easier to see--some of these are 4 or 5 feet tall and must be quite heavy to wear. Although this looks like a fancy dress, it is a mask and there are two eye-holes in the middle. Allegedly some of these had religious significance (but museums always say that) but a lot of these (they claim) were "growing up" masks, too. Masks you wore like at a "coming out" ball, sort of thing. I can't remember if there was a significance or purpose to the double-sided head mask; like conjoined twins, this one would allow you to see everything from all sides. (Though the side heads don't seem as big and competent as the front head.) They had dozens and dozens of masks from every region of Africa, all shapes and sizes and all shapes and colors. How many masks have humans ever made? And where are they all? I thought this was interesting. I should have taken a picture of the little twin dolls there, but I think right at that second Thomas had decided which masks he wanted to pose in front of and expected me to snap into action. But the twins, which were carved to look like little adults, but with big baby heads, had a selection of baby clothes so the parents could care for them for their whole "lives."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jeremy has a mask remarkably similar to the last one you have posted. He was into masks too.
