Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday with Sesame Street....LIVE!!!

About two weeks ago I found out from our secretary Martha that Sesame Street LIVE had a theater show performing in Detroit for a few weeks. I knew Frederick would be interested, but the Fox Theater is over an hour away and, with all the noise of the performance and the kids in the audience, I wasn't sure if he would like it enough to warrant buying the tickets. In the end I did get two tickets and last night, just after his bath, I told him that he would be seeing Sesame Street, but not on tv, but real, in person, in a theater--and he practically popped off the couch in excitement. The show started at 2:00, so we set off about 12:30. Here is the theater sign:

The inside of the Fox Theater is incredibly fancy, which makes it extra exciting to see it filled with little kids screaming for Ernie and Bert and Big Bird.
Here we are, in our seats. I'm not sure what all those pictures are on the walls but they gave us plenty to talk about while we waited for the show to start.
Frederick said he was excited but also anxious before the show started. But when Ernie and Bert came out on the stage and asked how everyone was doing, he practically rocketed out of his seat and let out an ear-splitting shriek, he was so excited. In fact, he squealed pretty much continuously the whole first half of the show, which was 40 minutes long.
Here is The Count song in which he sings to his number 8, which was the number of the day. This was particularly exciting for Frederick because he has been talking about the number 8 a LOT lately. (How did they know?)
During the second half, which was 30 minutes long, Frederick was a limp noodle during the songs, too fatigued too wiggle but instead just clapped perfunctorily at the end of each number. He did come to life at the very end of the show when each muppet came to the edge of the stage to say goodbye to the kids in the audience.  He was very excited to shout goodbye to The Count, Telly Monster, Big Bird and Cookie Monster.


Unknown said...

Amazing experience of Frederick.


jeremy cushing said...

so number 8 is the latest, eh?