Monday, October 26, 2009

Lazing on a (not so) Sunny Afternoon

Simon and Frederick head out to the "light poles", the name of a walking tour of the College Cultural Area that Frederick mapped out in late Spring. It's about 3 miles round trip and includes stops at a nearby park (the boat park, so called because it features a wooden boat), Mott Community College, and our offices at UM-Flint. Frederick has been known to run the whole route, which Simon loves because it gives him some much needed exercise after teaching philosophy all day.
Dangerous monkey bars (with bars 6 inches apart so kids can get their heads stuck in them) are slowly being replaced with these sorts of things.
Frederick checks out the boat--hasn't changed since the last time he was here, the day before.

Saturday Frederick weighed in at the doctor's office (a check up with his allergenist--we're down to one shot every 4 weeks now! Whoopee!) at a whopping 64 pounds. How long before he can no longer squeeze in through the windows?
Frederick enjoying himself. Is Simon laughing that hard? I'm sure he is. He loves this walk.


Unknown said...

Seriously growing and looking very happy with it. Good news about the shots.


The Cushanderingsons said...

Simon says:

Jami's descriptions must be taken with a large pinch of salt. It's probably less than a mile, for one thing, but that's the least of her untruths...

Jami Anderson said...

Less than a mile? Then why the griping when Frederick asks to go to "the light poles"? And why do you ask to be picked up by me in my CAR miles from home after most of these walks?