Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hard Times

Thursday evening and all seems well. Thomas is getting the timpani set up for another 2 hour Philharmonia rehearsal. This season features, among other numbers, a segment of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. So far, it's a bit hit and miss but there has been noticable improvement even since the first run through a month ago.
Omid, Thomas's percussion side-kick for the past 5 years, is clearly geeked to be there.
But a mere 3 hours later Thomas is hit with a flu that lays him out cold. Symptoms: headache, fever and sore throat. Today, Sunday, he is better (he actually ate something!) but has completely lost his voice--scary, but admittedly not necessarily a bad thing from the parental point of view.
And, meanwhile, what has Simon been up to? Acting not his age but his shoe size and getting into a brawl on the basketball court. Here he is modeling his split lip which the doctor sealed up with super glue--faster than stiches and leaves no scars. (Rumor has it that we can thank the US involvement in Vietnam for that piece of medical progress. If true then perhaps our students are right--everything always works out best in the end.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope the rest of you survive the week unharmed!!!!!!
