Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thomas, Lego League President

At the start of the school year, Thomas decided to found and run The Lego League, an afterschool organization for kids whose parents work and can't pick them up right when school ends. We donated a few small lego kits to the cause and it was succesful right from the start. Thomas also created a L.L. Constitution which the kids must follow if they are to be members. (Though Thomas did insist that each student was given a warning and a second chance. I thought such leniency was a grave mistake and the organization would soon dissolved into anarchy but so far that hasn't happened.) I can't remember all the Amendments (there are four or five) but I do remember these: "No one can laugh at, ridicule or insult anyone's Lego creation." Another is "All Lego creations must be disassembled after 24 hours" but equally important, "No one can disassemble another kid's lego creation without asking first." To raise funds for the purchase of yet more kits, Thomas ran a bake sale. He designed these signs announcing the (then) upcoming event. I baked 4 dozen cupcakes for the sale and very much hoped not all would sell so I could eat one after picking him up after school. It was not to be. Not a crumb remained--what a bunch of greedy little crappers! But on the upside, Thomas netted over $30--enough to buy a rather good Mars Mission set to add to the Lego League's collection. What other political offices are in Thomas's future?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome - what a masterpiece of social engineering.

Rather neat of you to bake loads of cakes in the middle of your busy schedule. I wonder where Thomas gets his energy from?.....