Sunday, October 14, 2007

Popcorn Piggie

Frederick has worked hard to earn the title "Popcorn Piggie." Everyday he and Simon make a giant bowl of popcorn and then, once situated in his comfie beanbag chair, Frederick does his mouth stretching exercises, packing every larger fistfuls of popcorn into his maw. And don't even think about taking popcorn without asking. (Though if you do ask Frederick is more than willing to mash a few pieces into your mouth.) These pictures are about a week old; no one will be wearing shorts again for many months. After freakishly hot weather last weekend, with temperatures near 90 with 90% humidity, we now have drizzling rain with temperatures at around 50. I prefer the cold not only because Frederick's autumnal allergies will improve (or so we hope--the poor kid is already taking a cocktail of eight different medications intended to help him breathe and sleep (and during the night at the same time))--but also so we can get the fireplace ablaze and Simon can get back to making homemade bread. [Look at those pictures again--does that look like a child who is barely 4 years old?!? His shoes are as long as my hand and when I carry him, his toes bounce against my shins. How much bigger will he get? Only time will tell.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a giant! No wonder. He must be a popcorn giant. I though that earlier pictures you have posted of Frederick looked like a seven or eight year old - more like ten now.

We're back from our "summer" in Formentera which was mostly delightfully warm and sunny, but also threw some spectacular thunderstorms at us including being forced to run off the beach to the car carrying our clothes as we went. Such larks!