Thursday, January 31, 2019

Mixed emotions

Today I had an appointment to be interviewed to become an American Citizen.  And... apparently I passed.  (They gave me a booklet at my last visit, when it was a good deal warmer, full of questions to study up on, like "who was the father of our country?" and "How many members of congress are there?" (435, I learned.)  I passed those with flying colors (as I have to spell it now, it's required by law).  The only sticky point, and Jami reading this is going to blow her top, was when she asked me if I had ever been arrested and I said (as I'd answered on the form) "no" but then went on to blather about a speeding ticket.  As I hadn't been arrested for this, I thought it was irrelevant banter (which will be the death of me, oddly, for somebody who doesn't like to talk to other people) but she got very interested and asked for a year and date.  I didn't then add that I'd had LOTS of tickets, so I focused on one very old one that happened coming back from a conference the first year I was in Arkansas.  This came back to haunt me shortly thereafter, because when she tried to submit the amended form, the computer wouldn't accept it, so she had to call over to her neighbor (another missing "u") who told her that she now had to check a box to show that the ticket was not a disqualifying offense.  After my sphincter had tightened considerably, they both smiled at me and asked if I was available February 11th for the official swearing in ceremony!  I should have felt huge relief, but I'd just signed something that said that I renounced former citizenship, and I was suddenly feeling that this wasn't something I wanted after all.  The only reason I applied (spurred on by the fact that a French colleague had done the same thing and found it incredibly easy, and got joint citizenship, so now can use a French passport OR a US passport depending on which one requires a shorter queue) was because (a) I would have had to go to similar lengths next year to renew my Green Card anyway, (b) under Trump, who knows if a Green Card is actually permanent, and (c) it's getting to the point when I might want to claim Social Security, so why not make sure I'm eligible.
Anyway, that's my big news.  Overshadowed somewhat by Thomas's big news, that I don't know if I'm allowed to share.  Here are some pictures:

As you might gather, it was BLOODY cold (see previous post).  But that meant the freeway was blissfully clear, although I also saw big LED signs saying "Severe Windchill: Curtail Travel" or words to that effect.
The majority of the questions I was asked were about being a member of rebel groups, terrorist groups, paramilitary groups, conspiring to overthrow regimes, etc.  Made me feel very staid and boring, but this time I resisted the urge to follow Oscar Wilde's example when asked at customs if he intended to overthrow the US government by force and he replied "sole purpose of visit".  (Might not be Wilde, but it was someone, and it SOUNDS like him.)  I even agreed to take up arms to defend the US (well, I said "sure" in a non-committal sounding way).  Made me feel a bit dirty.

F*ing cold

The polar vortex has returned once more to menace the midwest and Michigan and Chicago in particular (it's as if it's targeting our family).  Temperatures with wind chills were supposed to be in the -40 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday and today.  Here are some visual indicators:

That last one is the washing-up liquid that went opaque overnight.
Plumes of powder-dry snow or hot exhaust suddenly becoming solid.
Yesterday I put a glass of water in Thomas's little blue annex, where he sleeps when he's home just to see what would happen.  Here's what happened.

Monday, January 28, 2019

What a difference a day makes


Today, as the heavy snow starts:

Friday, January 25, 2019

Freezing cold For-Mar

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ending the chicken reign of terror

We have long been unhappy with the liberties the chickens have taken in our yard: eaten all the flowers, digging up the grass, pooping everywhere....but lately it has gotten out of hand. Several of our neighbors have knocked on our door to tell us the chickens are in their gardens, one several houses down the street. But the tipping point was when Simon was in the backyard a few days ago and the guy behind us complained to him about chickens wrecking his yard. So, I went online to see what the world has to solve this problem. I found this (Simon comment: I love the trio of animals on the right - it looks like the cast of a Wonderful World of Disney adventure, where they all have to trek across America together):
It's a system of black metal panels, each 2' by 4'.  Every 8 panels there is a little hatchway.  You can get as many as you want to link them together.  Of course there are accessories as well, screen roof segments, canvas segments to block the sun...I got three wall units and three roof pieces and somehow ended up with 3 too few roof segments.  (I didn't take into account that, when you connect the 4'x4' sets together, you get more 4'.  So, more roo segments needed.

Here it is so far. I'll buy three more roof pieces and their cage will double.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Greeting the New Year

It's been uncharacteristically (at least, pre-global-apocalypse) warm this Xmas, even raining, but we got a smattering of the white stuff yesterday, so here are some views of Flint at the opening of another new year.  (Frederick is a bit under the weather, so we took just a quick stroll, at Stepping Stone Falls.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Mystery presents

Apparently just about everyone was giving Cassandra Darke as a present this year.  I gave it to Delia, she gave it to Matthew, etc.  Well, my copy arrived (along with a nostalgic Blue Peter crafty book) a couple of days ago and I don't know whom to thank.  I hadn't actually read it, and found it unputdownable (as did Jami, which is remarkable, as she claims not to be able to read comics).  Anyone?
Update: Mystery solved - they were from Granny and Peter.  Who have also not read Cassandra Darke.  Why is everyone giving a book they haven't read?  Good thing it's so good.