Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pretzel Enjoys a Private Bath

We have been getting amazing rains lately, the whole midwest has been treated to floods (and our basement still has standing water in it) so we set up this tub to catch just a fraction of the water pouring off our roof. Today Pretzel decided that he would skip the public pond and enjoy a private bath--which has the added benefit of affording him an elevated view of His Domain. What he didn't bargain on was pesky photographers meddling in. Clearly something has to be done about it. Simon still bears the mark (a small red welt on his wrist) which is what you get when you push a duck too far.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

High Water on the Flint River

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pirate's Park

Frederick's school had a late start yesterday so he and I killed time by walking around near the now-closed Boders. It's right next to a water park that has never, to my knowledge, been open since we arrived in Flint, and which is steadily crumbling. Here you see the remains of a little boating pond and go-kart track. Perfect setting for a post-apocalyptic thriller... (The hill at the end is what separates Borders from the race track.)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Too Many Eggs

There are only so many eggs that can get eaten in this house, especially since Frederick, Thomas and I don't eat eggs. So Frederick got to discover the pleasure of throwing eggs against the neighboring wall.
The first couple he just lobbed gently and they bobbled along the ground before smashing but after a while he got the hang of it and learned to really toss the egg with energy.
After 6 or so eggs Pretzel came over to see what the fuss was about. To his dismay, he found that he wasn't at all sure he was happy about what we were doing. (But he never is.)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gigging in the Foyer

Yesterday Thomas had a job playing in the foyer of the Whiting Theater with some other percussionists to entertain the people coming to see the Flint Symphony Orchestra. He got to play various things including a Nigerian xylophone thingie, as you can see. (Extended footage may be posted later when I convert it.)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Floods at For-Mar

It's been raining steadily and heavily for the past few days (yes, the basement has been flooded) and today Frederick and I tried to go for a walk in For-Mar.  I say tried because huge tracts of it were totally inaccessible because of the flood waters.  They were higher than I've ever seen.  It's the end times!

Strange Flora

Can anyone identify these?

I know I say this a lot, but they are Triffids, right?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring is officially here

Zachary Quack is back in business: