Monday, November 29, 2010

For those who wish to buy us presents...

We have Amazon wish lists: (US - for those who left it a bit late)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Frederick and the snake

Yesterday (Thanksgiving) Frederick and I went for a post-meal stroll at, yes, For-Mar. We saw deer, and this fellow. (It was very mild. Today, on the other hand, it dropped to the twenties and snow was in the air.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Weekend in November

Simon and Frederick went for a long walk on Saturday. The day was gloomy and cool, but not terrible. Frederick poses along the way.
Frederick bored of posing along the way. Sunday was much worse--windy and cold. But again Simon and Frederick headed out, this time with Thomas tagging along. They made it to the office and Thomas decorated my message board outside my office door. [I think he thought I would be annoyed or shocked because of the effect this may have on my students, but I am going to leave it. Maybe it will keep annoying students away.]

Thomas caught in the act of messing up my office. He'll deny it, but I know he changes things around, takes things and loses things. He can't help it; he's always been that way.
Frederick enjoys watching bits of Sesame Street on YouTube.
And thus we survived another boring weekend. In retrospect, the walk may have been a bad idea, though, as Frederick woke up with a splitting headache (he claimed his eyebrow hurt--I take that to mean he had sinus pressure), promptly threw up and then passed out on the couch. And so another winter season begins...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post-bath fun

I heard sounds from the bathroom after Frederick's bath that indicated he was having fun. "Good for him", I thought, as I worked on the computer (preparing an online Logic test, as it happens, not reading The Onion or something). "At least I know he's not making a mess, because I put away all the shampoos that he sometimes likes to make messes with." Never underestimate the mess-making ability of a Frederick: