Monday, April 14, 2008

The Adventures of Edward

As mentioned in a previous blog, Thomas began penning the comic adventures of Edward during Christmas break. Feeling stung by a negative comment made by one of his teachers (she claimed that his comics were flawed in that they "didn't have endings"), Thomas's production slowed and then stopped completely a few weeks ago. (I was very glad I received an official Edward Birthday Greeting for my birthday. I hoped that that meant that Thomas was back in form, but apparently not. Thomas tells us that Edward will only be making special appearances for birthdays and Christmases, but not otherwise.) Hoping to cheer Thomas up a bit, I promised to make a "real" Edward if he drew me a good diagram. Here is what I got:

I spent about three weeks trying to work out in my mind how to contruct Edward so that he would gain a third dimension yet lose none of his impish charm. This is what I made:

Thomas was pleased (especially since I was able to create hands with interlockable fingers), but as is clear from his expression, the whole "Edward issue" is still a painful subject.