Saturday, January 22, 2022

MRI, and more importantly, Westborn Market!

I had an MRI scheduled today, somewhere in the Detroit area (a place called "Berkley" near Detroit Zoo, to be precise). Here's the place: It was a pokey little place. Here I am taking all my metalic objects and putting them in a locker (which meant, sadly, I couldn't get a selfie of me in the MRI machine - probably just as well as the radiation might have fried the phone). Weirdly, once I was ready, they took me out back and raised me up to the MRI on one of those hydraulic lifts that you find on the back of big moving vans, because, indeed, the MRI machine appeared to be in a shipping container... After what seemed like hours of alternating car alarm noises with EDM noises and then dentist drill noises, I was done, and could explore something I'd seen just next door as I arrived - a fancy grocery store. Little did I know HOW fancy! Good thing we don't live any nearer or it would bankrupt us.

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