Saturday, July 31, 2021

Some July photos

 A trip to Shiawassee Flats on the 2nd.  It'd been very windy recently, hence all the downed trees.  Also it looks like my lens was misted up.

A rare shot of Martha and Sylvester coexisting (I'm working in Thomas's room for peace and quiet, and of course they can't allow that):

A rainy walk at Holly Rec (7th):

I want this license plate (10th):

Grand Blanc Commons - more tree carnage (13th):

A swim at Holly (14th):

Different part of Holly Rec - no swimming because it was very rainy (16th):

My birthday!  Also dangerous snakey swimming at Seven Lakes (19th):

Another uncharacteristically not-hot-enough-to-swim day, so off to Highland (23rd):

Post-swim on a hotter day at Seven Lakes (25th):

My present from the Hallams arrives!  Am I more Lou Reed or Roy Orbison? (26th)

Our favorite swimming spot - Sand Lake - deep and therefore un-choked with weeds (27th):

A rarity: a visit to Emily's family's lakeside plot (requiring hopping a fence - with permission, of course) (28th):

Highland again.  Not too hot, so a long hike (dressed to ward off the bloody mosquitoes) followed by a short dip to refresh. (30th):

What's under that tree?  Let's take a closer look.

Bloody big birds.  Herons?  Storks?  Dunno.

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