Sunday, August 2, 2015

How we're spending our Summer

One constant has been playing Racquetball with Jimmy.  Neither of us is any good, but I have enough memory of playing Squash for many years (albeit over 20 years ago) to beat him most of the time.  We'll have to stop for a while, though, as they're re-flooring the weight room, and all the courts are only accessible via that.

Meanwhile, on the weekends F. and I like to take an amble.  This is Davidson Park.  The second picture is up on a ridge above the river, which you can just see peeking through.

This is Grand Blanc Commons, this morning.  Buggy, but pretty.  I dunno what the red flowering tree is, but it lasts all year.


Jami said...

It's staghorn sumac:

Unknown said...

Looks as if you have some quality time with the boys. The walks look lovely and summery.
