Sunday, April 20, 2014

The true barometer of the changing seasons

We have automatic rolling garage doors. Such things would have been an unimaginable luxury when I were a lad (as indeed were garages that you could actually put your car in) but quite commonplace here. Well, a couple of years ago I was trying to shut the right hand one and it kept stopping. It was only after I'd tried this a few times (I'm stubborn, or, as you might say, stupid) that I realized that the reason was that the little rubber curtain at the bottom was getting caught on the tine of an upturned garden fork that had been leaning against the inside wall and tipped over. "No harm done" I thought, but, sadly, I was wrong. Somehow the tracks that the little rollers roll on to move the door had become ever-so-slightly warped. What this means is that the only way to shut the door is to press the manual button inside the garage, and keep it pressed. If you let go, it gives up and goes back up. This doesn't work with the little remotes that you keep in the car, so if I'm the last to leave in the morning I have to back out, get out of the car, go inside the garage, close the right hand door, open the left hand door, leave, and then close the left hand door. A pain in the arse. "But Simon," you're thinking (assuming you've bothered to read this far), "what's this got to do with barometers?" Well, the odd thing is that the warped track only bothers the wheels in the Winter. In the Summer, it closes fine, without having to keep your finger on the inside button. Long story short: today was the first day that it worked without having to press it. Probably it'll be stuck again tomorrow morning (it'll still be cold overnight and obviously it's the temperature that does it), but warm weather has officially arrived. Don't worry - I'll let you know when the switch happens again - probably November - so stay posted! (This is what I get to do while Jami's off in San Diego. Woo woo.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It can be too thrilling a life.
